Connections: Issue 4

Issue No. 4, Oct-Dec 2022

Connections is the quarterly newsletter publication of LifeConnect.Church and communicates the ministry highlights of the church.

A ‘Quarter Pounder’ to End the Year

The last quarter was full-on for LifeConnect.Church. We are a very small church, but we have an audacious goal to make a significant impact in the lives we touch.


 EHR Graduation


Our first fourth quarter milestone was to graduate the first 12 students of the Emotionally Healthy Relationships (EHR) course on November 20th. EHR is part of the Emotionally Healthy Discipleship course that we have adopted as part of our discipleship training and is intended to help those in the church serve the community as the best version of themselves - a believer in Christ.

Registration for the next batch of students is now open, and we will start again with the first part of the course - Emotionally Healthy Spirituality (EHS) - in early 2023. Register through our church app or through our website.

Baby Shower & Sprinkle

Zina and Anna enjoyed a special celebration when their fellow students held a combined baby shower and baby sprinkle for them following the final session of EHR on 13 November. Angel hosted a raft of zany and competitive games that had us laughing throughout. We blessed the two mums with gifts and prayer for a healthy and successful delivery.


News Flash!

Andy and Anna have now become proud dad and mum for a second time. Anna gave birth to Taliyah Violet Simmons on 13 December. Taliyah weighed in at 7.11 lbs. What a great and timely gift to receive this Christmas.


Christmas Service

We held our Christmas service with the theme “Christmas in the eyes of the Shepherds”, based on Luke chapter 2. It was a joy to see the kids perform throughout the program. I highly appreciate the efforts of our children’s church teachers who gave their all to make this event possible. A special appreciation to my wife Angel for pulling together such a joyful and God-honouring program with only a few practices.


Supporting a small town ravaged by typhoon

What a privilege to be able to support a small town in Patnongon, Antique in the Philippines which was massively devastated by Typhoon “Paeng”. The church board immediately activated the Rope of Hope for a fundraising drive. Thank you to each and every person who compassionately responded to this call at such short notice.  Thank you to Daryl for being our liaison and ensuring this donation reached the recipients without delay.

It's so heart-warming to see how these donations have helped the community there. Thank you for being God’s hands and feet in such a time as this. My heart overflows.


Connections: Issue 5


Connections: Issue 3