Connections: Issue 5

Issue No. 5, Jan-Mar 2023

Connections is the quarterly newsletter publication of LifeConnect.Church and communicates the ministry highlights of the church.

Going Deeply in 2023

What a great opportunity to kick off the year with our theme, “Deeply”. As a church we are diving deeply into the scriptures together; to know Him, follow Him, and be in Him. Just like Ezekiel had an ankle-deep, knee-dip, and waist deep experience (read Ezekiel 47), we will also progress deeply into the things of God. I pray for this Church to grow in devotion to the scriptures and in Christlikeness.

Celebrating Our First Anniversary

Wow, I can’t believe that we are already one year into this church planting journey.

I was reflecting on the year that was – the things that have happened; church organisation and ministry formation, equipping, water baptism, growing commitments, testimonies, and a lot more. I can’t help but give God all the glory for His grace and faithfulness in guiding us and building connections.

The Issachar Project

What a privilege to impart important knowledge to a committed group of young adults, to equip them for a bright future.

We have about 18 youth leaders from three local churches who have participated. What a beautiful sight it is to see students from different backgrounds learning together about godly wisdom, discernment and understanding of God’s will; how to make better decisions, make meanings, live a life of purpose, and have strong reasons to believe.

2nd Batch of EHS Students

My heart is overjoyed to see the continued fruits of this church ministry as a new batch of students participate in this course. In line with our commitment to take each soul seriously, we are equipping our people to assimilate the life-transforming work of God in their lives, leading them deeper in Christlikeness to bring out a better version of themselves.

As Apostle John prayed, may all go well and be in good health, even as it goes well with their soul (3 John 1:2).


Connections: Issue 6


Connections: Issue 4