Connections: Issue 3

Issue No. 3, Jul-Sep 2022

Connections is the quarterly newsletter publication of LifeConnect.Church and communicates the ministry highlights of the church.

A Lot Of Firsts

One of the joys of church planting is that it involves a lot of “firsts”. Here are a few of the memorable firsts that occurred during the previous few months at LifeConnect.Church:

First wedding officiation

I officiated my first wedding ceremony for Jehielle and Abigail Lopez last August 7th. It was such a privilege to wed these two; both children of fellow pastors.

The couple went through three pre-wedding counselling sessions as per my pre-requisite for officiating. My aim is to help establish strong marriage foundations in couples I solemnise.

As LifeConnect.Church is now an approved organization with the Department of Internal Affairs, weddings will be an extension of our church’s ministry. Another ceremony is scheduled for this October.


James’s first preaching 

August 28th marked James Archer’s first experience preaching at our Sunday reConnect service.

In his debut, he preached about the Logos – the Word of God – succinctly explaining how and why we can know for sure that God’s Word is reliable, including a brief history of how He has ensured its preservation, and how we ought to view the Word based on what it says about itself. 

Indeed, we have a teacher and apologist in the house! Looking forward to hearing more from him soon.


First water baptism

LifeConnect.Church held our first water baptism on Sunday September 11th. We rejoiced with Callum, Dawn, Chie and Bianca as they made their public declaration that the old has gone and the new is here – in Christ. It was a beautiful sight to see our LifeConnect group leaders empowered to officiate the water baptism of their respective group members. 

Our first lectern

As soon as I informed Andy of the lectern design I was seeking, he immediately and faithfully set to work building one. The lectern he has masterfully crafted is sleek and light, and perfectly suited to my height! 😊 The church logo adorning the front adds to its beauty. Thank you, Andy, for all you do.


Connections: Issue 4


Connections: Issue 2