Connections: Issue 7

Issue No. 7, Jul-Sep 2023

Connections is the quarterly newsletter publication of LifeConnect.Church and communicates the ministry highlights of the church.

Deeply Moved by God’s Faithfulness

EHS Graduates

I am delighted to introduce the second group of graduates from the Emotionally Healthy Spirituality (EHS) course. EHS serves as a discipleship supplement within our church as we aim towards deeply changed lives in Christ. In the words of Pete Scazzero, " Deeply changed people have a more powerful and more sustainable impact in the world."

We eagerly anticipate witnessing this church community grow in their encounter with Jesus, develop a deeper comprehension of Scripture, and evolve into better versions of themselves. They are poised and equipped to share the gospel and make disciples, thereby contributing to a more impactful ministry.

ConnecTeenz Launched

I am thrilled to announce the creation of this group, and I feel truly grateful for Tristan and Jui taking on the leadership role. It was incredibly exciting to launch their first meeting with four teenagers coming together and bonding over a game of laser strike. This is just one of the activities they will engage in as they embark on a journey to discover a more personal connection with God.

Stay tuned for more updates on this exciting venture!

LifeConnect Groups (LCGs) Pumped Up!

We enhanced our LCGs by coordinating them all to take place during the third week of each month on a regular monthly schedule. When we first established Life Connect Church, we had four LCGs.

As of now, we have expanded to six LCGs at various locations across Christchurch. It's truly heartwarming to witness these small groups gathering to study the scriptures, enjoy moments of laughter, exchange stories, engage in collective prayer, and feast from shared plate. Undoubtedly, LCGs serve as a catalyst for discipleship and deeply connected relationships in Christ.

Sermons available on our podcast

If you happened to miss one of our Sunday services, you can now access our sermons via our website's podcast. We currently have most of the recent sermons available, and our IT team is actively working on uploading the remaining ones. We hope to make the entire collection available to you soon. Do check this out.


Connections: Issue 8


Connections: Issue 6